Sunday, 8 September 2013

Day 8 Amherst to Spencer Island NS

Today was a very short but exciting ride. Funny how things alway come back to haunt you.  I didn't mention this earlier, but on our first night out, way back at Driftwood Park, we broke the tiny spring in the fridge door handle. The fridge  door would not latch in to its catch.  Papa had a great idea and he switched out the handles on the freezer and the fridge. This worked - because the negative pressure of the freezer held the door closed without the spring lock in the the handle.

That is, until we drive from Amherst to Spencer Island. Unbeknownst to us, the road from Parrsboro to Spencer Island is known by the locals as the "mini Cabot trail".  A series of very steep climbs and sharp turns and in the case of the freezer door, a steep downhill followed by a tight left turn.  Just as we navigated the curve - the freezer door flew open sending the frozen lobster pack flying across the bus along with frozen juice cans and a bag of ice.  Nothing was broken but my mom's nerves were shattered!

We pulled into the Old Shipyard Campground a few minutes later. The owner BOB chuckled when he listened to our exploits on the road.  It is a very small place only 24 sites - positioned on a spit of beach between a small river and the ocean. 

Old Shipyard Campground Spencer Island

90 km ride of fun and adventure!

This is another gorgeous place …in the Minas Basin of the Bay of Fundy. There are huge tides here and it was great to explore the ocean floor at low tide.  We had a beautiful day and we just walked and walked and explored the shoreline.

Panorama ... me on the ocean floor - low tide

enjoying the waves

Beach at high tide

Lots of things to do and see here!

Finding treasures

Papa -walking at sunset low tide 

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